Pesmi posnete širom sveta, bodo vsebovale čarobnost kulture in duha tamkajšnjih glasbenikov.
ZDA: Desire = Worry to Achieve
Mehika: The end is te only Beginning
Honduras (al tam nekje): The Science of sound
Kolumbija: The Perfect Mistake
Brazilija: Love in Friendship, Fear
Argentina: The Five Sensens
Čile: Dancing is also a Sport
Španija: Future vs. Present
Romunija: Nature and Humans
Izrael: The Power od Now
Mehika: The end is te only Beginning
Honduras (al tam nekje): The Science of sound
Kolumbija: The Perfect Mistake
Brazilija: Love in Friendship, Fear
Argentina: The Five Sensens
Čile: Dancing is also a Sport
Španija: Future vs. Present
Romunija: Nature and Humans
Izrael: The Power od Now
(Države niso 100% ker se ne vidi točno)
1 komentar:
Tina tam k si napisala Turčija ni prov, to ti je Romunija - Nature and Humans.
Izrael je prov.
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